
Showing posts from July, 2023

Another New Year, New Life Changes!

Checking into this journal again since my last post at the end of last year. Looking back I realize it has been over 5 years since I started this journal, time goes by so fast! It's amazing to slow down and reflect on how much life can change just in 5 years.  New life events for 2023, I started a new job at an aerospace and defense company just over a month ago at the end of June. I had quite a few hesitations leaving my last role so quickly(just over a year) as well as going into a field which is quite foreign to me. However, the main motivation I found to move forward was the opportunity to learn. If I were to remain afraid to take steps outside my comfort zone, I would not be able to push my development and grow as an individual.  So far, the job has been relatively good in the sense that I have had the opportunity to get back into the lab, which I believe I did sorely miss in my last role. I am definitely learning a lot in terms of power supply design and testing as well as th